Your Jewellery and YOU – Exploring Personality Traits via Jewels
As she marches down the hallway, her stilettos thudding across the pavement and camel-hued trench coat gleaming in the distance, there is a certain vibe to her that screams “Boss Lady”. One look at her extravagant rings and Louis Vuitton bag and we know: She is bold and beautiful.
It is extraordinary how we can figure out how a person is, simply from the fashion they wear. While neutral tops and faded denims may point towards a person going unnoticed in the crowd, expensive headgear and long coats hint at individuals who wish to stand out.
Yet, attire is not the only way to judge personalities. One look at a person’s jewellery – and you shall know how they are, inside out.
Curious how? Let’s explore the jewellery styles and personalities they represent!
1. Name or Initial-Inscribed Jewellery: You are indulged in Self Love!

When you see a person wearing jewellery with their initials (or full names in some cases), know these are people who simply love themselves.
They love who they are. They love their hopes and dreams. They love being confident, and that shows in the jewellery they don. These gold pendants are a prime example of the kind of jewels worn by people in self love.
Your name starts with “T” instead? Click here. or want the pendant transcribing “C”? Click here.
While many people call those who love themselves as narcissists – we don’t think so. You should love yourself, and be proud of who you are and what you represent, and definitely let that shine through your jewels.
2. Delicate Jewels: You are Shy

One look at a shy person, and you immediately know they are shy. How does this happen? Facial expressions aren’t the only aspect which give it away.
A shy individual wishes to blend into the crowd; to not stand out. They probably won’t be wearing eccentric shades of nail colour, nor opt for a different shade on each nail (a curious nail trend indeed).
Shy people also don’t go for extravagant jewellery. Probably the only jewels you shall see them wearing are minimalist rings or ring bands, simple pendants or chains, and studs. People who are shy often do not wear long, drop earrings since they attract attention – the thing they run away from.

So, the next time you see a person wearing a small, delicate diamond chain pendant like this and no other jewellery – you can place your bet on the reality that they are shy.

Or if you see someone wearing one ring only, and that too a small, solitaire diamond ring; they are shy from within.
Go up to them to make small talk if you wish to be friends, because they probably won’t take the initiative.
3. Unmatched Jewellery: You are Bold

As soon as we see a person wearing extravagant jewels, and that too in vast contrast to what their dress entails, we are sure: this person has a bold personality. This is because we can see that they wish to attract all attention to themselves, and want to flaunt their jewels around.
They are confident, determined, and wish to have their presence known and voice heard in this world – features most us wish we could have.
Bold people don’t lack self-confidence. They can dress up using simple clothes and turn the look into a head-turner by opting for a necklace perhaps – that steals all eyes and glory.
Put on a classic diamond necklace like this, and everybody is bound to call you: Miss Bold and Beautiful.
4. Traditional Jewels: You are Artsy

On the other hand, there are people who love vintage. They love arts, crafts, and history instead of modern trends – and that completely shows through the jewels they choose to wear.

If you see someone wearing a gold pendant like this, they may be religious, or believe in symbolism. This is just the kind of fashion that talks to them – and you can immediately tell they love history and culture.

An individual wearing a classic heritage gold necklace like this also poses as one interested in the past and its trends. If you like vintage and want it to shine through your fashion taste – this is definitely the necklace to have.
5. Bands and Edgy Jewellery: You are Dauntless

From metallic bands to spiky jewellery, dark colours to bold jewellery – all exclaim you are dauntless.
While some may consider them rebels, these are those who do not conform to traditions or norms, and instead set out to create their own trends – and their own boundaries.
They seldom attract to the idea of “Pink is for girls”, and love wearing black instead. Dauntless individuals can usually be seen wearing bangles in unique shapes. A classic diamond odd bangle in black and gold, or spiky platinum bangle is just their kind of thing.
After exploring through these jewellery trends – do you seen yourself in any of them? Perhaps you are fond of delicate jewels, and can now proudly admit you’re shy. Or maybe you are a rebel at heart, and feel proud and dauntless wearing unique and edgy jewellery.
No matter how your personality is – be content with your own self.
That, is the first step to happiness.