C. Krishniah Chetty Group of Jewellers Presents: the Virtual ‘Try On’ Feature
Is online jewellery shopping a hassle for you?
Do you want to try on a jewellery item before you can decide to purchase it or not?
If you answered yes to any of these questions – you are certainly not alone.
The Fear of Shopping Jewellery Online

While online shopping continues to gain popularity, there are still many people who do not wish to purchase jewellery for themselves until they are absolutely sure. Being sure means they know that the color suits them, the style goes with their personality, and the jewel would be a wonderful addition to their collection.
Another reason to be vary of – or what could hinder a smooth online jewellery shopping experience – is the price factor.
All kinds of jewellery, be it gold, diamond, or platinum, is an investment.
While some save up from their pocket money for their first initial-engraved pendant in gold, others have earned and saved up all their life for their wedding jewels – and are afraid to spend it on something that they haven’t even tried on!
‘Try On’ with Us!

We heard the woes of those who hesitated before pressing the ‘Buy now’ option of our site – and have come up with a try on feature!
This feature allows you to see yourselves wearing (albeit virtually) the jewel, and thus makes it easier to come to a decision.
As soon as you like something on our site, perhaps a set of diamond earrings – look for the ‘Try on’ feature in the top-right of the image.
A notification will pop up, asking your permission to access the camera. Thereupon, working exactly like a face filter; the camera will search for your face – and attach the jewels to it.
Voila! A virtual try on is ready.
Making this idea further useful, you can also add multiple jewels in a queue (called the Trylist) and continue to virtually try on one jewel after the other to distinguish which one you like better. The features will appear somewhat like this:
While the feature with the face activates the ‘Try On feature’, the house with multiple rings is your Trylist.
Why Try On?
If you are curious about the benefits the Try On feature brings to a jewellery buyer – read ahead.
Know What Suits You!

Some might think bright colors are their thing, while others go for sober and solemn ones. With the Try On Feature introduced by C. Krishniah Chetty Group of Jewellers, you can see what jewellery suits you and what doesn’t!
For example, if you are trying on earrings – the webcam image will display the earrings on your ears automatically. You can move your head around, see how the earring appears from all sides, whether the hues are what you would usually go for, etc.
With this feature, you will no longer be hesitant before pressing the Buy Now option.
Like a Snapchat Filter – Only Better!
In the times of Instagram and Snapchat filters, we have become used to crafty earrings and pendants and bold makeup ideas adorning our face – via the filters, of course.

Fortunately, the Try On feature is just like a filter – and thus comes easily to us. Yet, unlike the filters that may mold your face shape, or turn you into something you perhaps aren’t; this feature is as real as it gets. This means, as you appear in the camera, is exactly how you will appear with the jewels in actuality – or perhaps only better with the radiancy of diamonds (wink!).
Know How You Look On Camera

Let’s face it – most of us do it for the pictures.
From following fashion trends to choosing modern jewellery, we do it so we can feel confident about ourselves, and of course, upload a picture (or many!) on Instagram.
However, many times we purchase something online and as soon as it gets delivered and we try it on – it doesn’t have the same spark. Everything cannot suit everyone, or make everyone appear a better version of themselves, and we at C. Krishniah Chetty Group of Jewellers understand this.
Fortunately, with the introduction of the Try On feature, you will no longer have to fear anything like this. Since you have already tried on the jewel virtually – you know exactly what you are in for, and how wonderful it looks in the camera!
From Zoom meetings to images on Instagram – you can do it all with your new jewellery purchase.
COVID-19 Friendly Method of Purchase

In current times, when a pandemic seems to surround the world – a virtual Try On is a blessing in disguise. Following all safety procedures, the feature allows you to shop as well as try on jewellery in the comfort of your home. That too without having to touch anything unnecessarily!
If you love online shopping but have remained fearful of making an expensive jewellery investment in such times – C. Krishniah Chetty Group of Jewellers takes away your fear.
Use the Try On feature for your benefit, and continue shopping with ease and surety!